Fundraisers are an important ongoing part of school life, especially for school clubs and teams.
This space is intended to provide a central location for that information. The most current fundraisers will be added at the top of the page.
Please check the dates and deadlines as the year goes on.

MVTHS Ram’s football and the Future Business Leaders of America are teaming together again to hold the 9th Annual Pink Out football game to Tackle Cancer. The game will be on September 24, 2021, against the Marion Wildcats. Every year, FBLA raises approximately $5000 to aid in finding a cure for breast cancer.
Ram’s fans can sponsor a player’s special Pink Out football jersey in honor of a loved one that is fighting cancer, has survived cancer or in memory of someone that lost the battle. The name of the honoree will be printed on the back of the jersey. The jerseys will be worn by the football players during the game and then awarded to the sponsors at the conclusion of the game in a special ceremony. The minimum pledge to sponsor a jersey is $100.00; however, you may pledge more for the cause if you desire. All proceeds, will be given to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. If you would like to sponsor a jersey, please return the sponsor form and payment to Ms. Julie Hayes, Business teacher and FBLA Adviser at MVTHS with your information by mail or drop off in Room B202. You can call 618-246-1828 or email at jhayes@mvths.org with any questions.
The order form is here: T-Shirt Order Form
To Sponsor a player's jersey, click here: Sponsor a Jersey!