Way to Go Rams!
NAIL BITER IN CHANGNON! Rams escape a 32-31 winner over Edwardsville to cap off an EPIC Fans in the Stands Night!
The Rams are now 4-1 on the season.
Scoring for the Rams:
Makai Teriet with 14, Richard Hutcherson 8, Preston Woodrome 4, Madison Teriet 2, Jessica Garner 2, Erik Heck 2. #Unified
Way to Go RamFans!
Special Education Director Megan Clodi added, "Best night of basketball! The Rams scored more points tonight but the true champions are all the fans in the stands tonight! We appreciate the whole school community for their support to make this night memorable and spectacular!"
You can watch the whole game here (thank you Chris Hugo!)
And thanks to WSIL for the terrific Fans In The Stands 2024coverage!.
(Parts of this story courtesy of WMIX, WSIL & MVTHS Special Olympics)