The MVTHS 2024-2025 School Board

We wanted to take the opportunity to thank and acknowledge the important service and commitment of our MVTHS School Board.

Pictured above, from left to right are:

Terry Milt, Bill Schulte, Crystal Hemby, Board President John Ashby , Kathy Asbery, David Kassner and Terry Milt.

Together, they represent 40 years of board service to our community and almost a century, and 100 years of experience as professional educators.

"MVTHS is very fortunate to have a Board of Education that is committed to providing the resources necessary so our students can have access to learning opportunities that will help them be successful while in high school and after graduation," said Superintendent Chad LeCrone. "We thank the board members for their time, effort, and service to the community. "

(corrected to update the years of professional education experience.)